Cassie's Photo Studio


I'm working now and out of the Photography program. I need to start using and developing my skills and creativity, so perhaps this will continue...but perhaps not...ya never know with me.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Night Photography Show

This was my Senior Show in college that I chose to do on night Photography. I love being out at night shooting. Everything almost seems more beautiful, and you can capture multiple moments in one photograph when shooting at night instead of just one. These are the unedited ones until I can relocate the CD with my edited and final version of these pieces.

Recent Portraits

These are some that I have taken recently of my friend Toni for her college graduation, and a few I took of her last year for a project I was working on. She's beautiful and is a great model for me to work with.

Portraits from College

These are portraits that I took awhile ago while I was still in college. Some of them are still favorites of mine.