Cassie's Photo Studio


I'm working now and out of the Photography program. I need to start using and developing my skills and creativity, so perhaps this will continue...but perhaps not...ya never know with me.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I've been wanting to do a self portrait for the last few days. I haven't been able to do so because of work, and I could barely think of anything else today but this. It didn't come out the way I imagined it, but I like it the way it is. It's supposed to be blurry as it reflects the way I've been feeling lately. Unfortunately, it's hard to describe exactly the way I've been feeling and the things that have been running through my head without yelling at someone and saying things I will regret later. "Confined" is definitely one of the words I would use to describe my recent state, but only one very small part of it. This feels a bit like a release, but still not enough. Therefore there may be more frequent posts in the future.