Cassie's Photo Studio


I'm working now and out of the Photography program. I need to start using and developing my skills and creativity, so perhaps this will continue...but perhaps not...ya never know with me.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

These two pictures are for the "secret" thing. I know that they are totally different, but I have a reason for that. The one with the two girls is because you always think of two girls sharing secrets and giggling about them. Whether it is about a guy or just whatever, girls share a lot of secrets. It's actually a lot of fun, especially when it is about a guy.
The one with the trees is because I think about old trees like this and just wonder about all the different things that have gone on around them. They must hold so many secrets of lovers and traitors, families and children growing up, historical events and yet they will always have it to themselves and we may never know all that has gone on around trees. These are secrets to me.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

These two images tell me that it is definitely spring (even though it snowed today). I bought these the other day and I am hoping against hope that I don't kill them. I am extremely ready for it to be spring. I usually like the snow, but this year, I am sick of it and ready for warm (not hot) sunny weather and flowers outside and not just inside my apartment.